About us

Artist and photographer

Born in Mauritius in November 1941.

Enrolled in the Port Louis Fine Arts workshops under the direction of Siegfried Sammer, a teacher of German origin, he acquired a solid technical foundation, which is essential to enable him to enter art in depth. From this enriching experience he also received a first training in photography since the master was also a photographer.

Pierre expresses himself in a form of lyrical abstraction. His painting is inspired by the elements of the world around him. Through his practice of photography, he develops his art and draws inspiration from his many travels around the world. Today he is increasingly concerned with the problems of contemporaneity, hence the introduction of certain figurative forms.

With photography, he therefore has two strings to his bow. The photographs of his travels are regularly published in prestigious magazines. He was also Artistic Director of magazines and in particular of Balafon, the magazine of Air Afrique. In collaboration with Archipelago press, Gallimard, Jaguar and Pelican editions, he is the author of several books on the islands of the Indian Ocean. He is currently preparing a book on African architectural heritage.

Pierre exhibits in his native country, but has also presented his works in Réunion, Nairobi, India, Malaysia, the USA as well as in Europe: England, France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

His works can be found in private collections in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States.

He has lived in France since 1981, while keeping a constant eye on the evolution of the culture of his native country.

Depuis 2016 il s’est installé dans son île, ou il continue ses travaux et ses pérégrinations, en travaillant davantage avec des jeunes.